Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's just that easy

Being a college student I have tons of old papers, test and notes collecting dust in my closet. There's also the soda cans and bottles that I throw away daily. Well since I am a newbie to living green I thought that recycling could be my first project. Finally all the trash is going to good use. To my surprise this was the easiest project to begin. I live on the northwest side in a house with my boyfriend and we have Waste Management for our trash services. Little did I know but we already have a recycling bin in our garage. All I had to do was call Waste Management. By providing my account number they were able to sign me up for the services and tell me which day I needed to put out my recycle bin. Anything that I am able to recycle I just throw into the bin.

Simple things to recycle:

  • Paper: magazines, newspaper, cardboard, and office paper
  • Aluminum: soda and canned food containers
  • Plastics: soda bottles, milk jugs and detergent bottles
  • Glass
By recycling the environment would benefit tremendously. Here are some facts about recycling from Do Something:

  • 40 percent of trash is paper
  • Only about 30 percent of recyclables are recycled
  • By recycling 1 ton of paper we will save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill, and 7,000 gallons of water and 4,000 kilowatt of energy
  • Each American uses about 400 soda cans per year. By recycling we could save 95 percent of the energy it takes to make aluminum from bauxite
  • Cell phones and computers can be recycled
  • American's throw out about 1,200 pounds of organic garbage per year even though it can be composted.
These were only a few of the facts about recycling, to read more visit their website

If you are interested in recycling and already have Waste Management services visit Waste Management for details in your area.

1 comment:

saurlin said...

nice blog..:)
green desert is new terminology to point the monoculture forest, such as rubber,oil palm,etc..even the color is green, but factually it is a desert without living life inside.......