Sunday, November 25, 2007

The end of one road and the beginning of the next

Well the semester is coming to an end which means my blog will be coming to an end as well. Luckily next semesters Can Scanners will be taking over our jobs and reporting more eco friendly tips, ideas and news to you so that you can keep up on living green. So stay tuned to The Can Scan for more up coming news.

Before this semester I had heard about going green, but I had never done anything to do so, but after learning about my own footprint on the planet I've had a change in my own life style. Trying products and different things that anyone could do in their homes is actually easy and I know that I will live a little greener in my own life. I will still experiment with different "green" products long after this class is done, possibly keep my blog to inform others of my experiments and new products to try.

Future Can Scanners, this is by far one of the best classes to take. Not only are you going to inform others about what they can do to live a little green in their lives, but you will learn a few things your self. This is a big topic, and there is always something going on. You will be able to work in either groups or alone, but make sure to keep up with your stories and don't let your teammates down. At times this class may seem over-whelming, but just breathe. You have one of the best professors and he's always there to help, you just have to go to his office. Use the equipment and the resources that are given to you in this class. This is VERY important. Speak up in class, although I'm not one to talk in class there were some projects that I may have been able to be a part of if I had spoke up. Lesson learned. I hope you all have a fun time in this class, the time will go quickly and soon you too will be writing your last blog. Good luck and best wishes!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Room to Room

It can be easy to live just a little greener in your life even if you don't have that much money to spend. If everyone lives just a little more eco-friendly that small amount will soon make a difference. It may not be today or even tomorrow but soon mother nature is going to thank you. I am going to help give some suggestions with different rooms you may want to use some eco-friendly products in.

The Living Room:

At least for me, this is probably the room that people hangout the most in. Whether its having guests over, watching t.v. or playing video games. Using Compact florescent lighting will help you save energy. CFL's are recommended for rooms that are used often. They tend to burn faster when you turn the light off and on.
"The five highest use fixtures in a home are typically the kitchen ceiling lights, the living or family room table and floor lamps, and outdoor porch or post lamp, according to Energy Star.
Energy efficient light fixtures use 1/4 less energy than a standard light fixture.

Heating and Cooling:
Heating and cooling seems to always be a problem. There are a few things that you can do to help save a little energy while heating or cooling your house. Energy Star recommends you to clean your air filter every three months, however if they are dirty clean they may get dirty faster if you are using it more frequently.


Have you heard that bamboo is an eco-friendly product? Bamboo is known as one of the most eco-friendly products in the flooring market,according to 123 Bamboo. Also, the fiber doesn't contain any chemicals and is a green natural fiber.
If you are thinking of re-tiling your kitchen think of using bamboo flooring instead. It depends on how much you want to spend on the bamboo but it can run from $2 to $8 per square foot. However, if you are going to use bamboo flooring research it to make sure you know what to look for when you go to kitchen re-done.
If you don't need your flooring re-done, but are looking to re-decorate Target and Crate and Barrel both have bamboo kitchen products ranging from plates, bowls, tea boxes and flatware.

For more great information about bamboo check out Jenna's story
Bamboo: The New and Improved Wood.


The bedroom should be a place for rest and relaxation right? Well being wrapped in your bed may never seem better when you try bamboo or organic sheets. If you are someone who is sensitive to different fabrics bamboo may just right for you, according to allergybuyersclubshopping. You can find these sheets at Target, Land's End and Bed Bath & Beyond.
The fabric is extremely breathable that is made out of 67% bamboo and 33% cotton, according to Land's End

These are just a few rooms that you could be more eco friendly in. Remember one easy way to save water in the bathroom to to take shorter showers and to turn off the water while brushing your teeth. I repeat tur off the wate while brushing your teeth.

Well until next week I hope you all live just little more greener. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Taking the Trash Out

No matter how much I try to eliminate my waste at my house I seem to throw things out way to often. Over this semester though I have become more passionate about trying to live eco-friendly and find myself at Wild Oats looking for products that are environmentally safe. Luckily this helps me with my blog.

Well this week I found myself browsing Target, another place that I find myself at when I am bored, I found recycled plastic trash bags by GLAD. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The bags are made out of 65 percent recycled plastic, which helps conserve natural resources. Not only does GLAD have the 65 percent recycled trash bags, but they also have a GLAD BlueBag. These bags allow people to put all their recyclables into one bag and not worry about sorting it all through.
According to GLAD some of the benefits are:
  • Materials don't blow away or fall out
  • Easy to close
  • No need to retrieve from curb after pick up
  • Available in Drawstring and Quick-Tie
For more information about these bags and if your local garbage company allows this service visit Tucson Recycles or Waste Management .

BioBag is another garbage bag that is environmental friendly. BioBag is both 100 percent biodegradable and compostable. When using a composting system, BioBags will decompose within 10-45 days, and also doesn't leave any harmful residues behind, according to their website.
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BioBags are made from Mater-Bi a product that uses cornstarch, vegetable oil and other renewable resources.

"Mater-Bi retain their properties while in use, then when disposed of into an environment containing bacteria, biodegrade to carbon dioxide, water and organic humus with no polymeric or toxic residue," according to Plastral .
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When I bought BioBags I didn't realize how eco-friendly the bags were. They work really well and I am glad a I found the bags. Its one more product I can use in my house to become just a little more greener in my life.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Stainless Steal Tastes Better

Since I live in Tucson and it gets really hot outside I drink tons of water. I usually have water bottle piled up in my kitchen waiting to be recycled. However, this can be a waste of plastic. Most people don't even recycle their plastic bottles.

"It is estimated that Americans will drink more than 30 billion single-serving bottles of water this year. Since these bottles are non-returnable, two million tons worth of that everlasting plastic will end up in landfills...and roads, and beaches, and streams," according to Care2.
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Many people, myself included usually don't reuse water bottle in fear of bacteria growing inside.
It's really hard to clean water bottle that have small openings. However, there are reusable water bottle available that have wider openings. This makes it easier to clean.

"Both single-use and reusable water bottles should be thoroughly cleaned and dried between uses. Reusable water bottles generally have wider mouths, making them easier to clean. Dishwashing soap and hot water are acceptable to use for cleaning your water bottle," according to Walking.

Another way to go eco-friendly is to use a stainless steel reusable bottles which you can find at for $15.45.

"Klean Kanteen is made using 304 L.N. stainless steel which is grade blended specifically for food preparation, dairy, brewing, various medical uses and other applications where mineral migration is unacceptable," according to

Ideal Bite, also has FDA approved, non-toxic aluminum water bottles. These allow consumers to reuse their water bottle over and over with other having to worry about harsh chemicals.

"Every year 1.5 million barrels of oil go to making plastic water bottles used in the U.S. and less than a quarter of those bottles end up being recycled," according to Ideal Bite.

Check out your local grocery store to find a reusable water bottle to start drinking out of instead of wasting all those plastic bottles. Then maybe we won't have to use 1.5 million barrels of oil to make plastic bottles.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ditch the plastic

Has your plastic or paper grocery bags ever ripped while you were carrying them into your house? Or are you ever tired of having a thousand bags at your house but don't throw them way because you feel bad for creating more waste? Luckily there is a solution to those plastic bag dilemmas.

Why not eliminate the waste and look fashionable at the same time by using a grocery tote instead. Companies have now made grocery totes that are fun and stylish. Companies provide an array of styles and fabrics that just about anyone is going to enjoy. Some are even made out for organic materials for those who love organic products.
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One reason why people should begin using some sort of cloth bag is because, "Only 1 to 3% of plastic bags end up getting recycled," according to

In addition to only one to three percent of plastic bags being recycled, recyclers find it a hassle to recycle the bag due to the low quality of the plastic used, according to

Last May IKEA began their 'bag the plastic bag program' where they began to charge their customers five cents for a plastic bag and encouraged them to purchase a big blue bag, according to CSRWire.

"All proceeds* from this 'program year' bag campaign will go to American Forests, the nation's oldest non-profit citizens conservation organization, to plant trees to restore forests and offset CO2 emissions," according to CSRWire.

The bag is plastic, but it is roomy and people are able to use it for multiple uses.
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I found my EcoSac at Wild Oats. If you take your grocery totes to Wild Oats they give either 5 cents off your bill per bag or you can donate the five cents to charity. Although they only had one style, the did have several different colors to choose from. If you visit their website they have a variety of bags to chose from.

Other websites that sell totes are:
One crafty way to have fun with a tote is to crochet one yourself. While I was looking for totes online I found this site, Associated Content that shows readers how to crochet their own grocery tote.

And of course, if you must use a plastic bag remember to recycle. You can usually take them back to your grocery store for recycling.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Snuggling with Organic Cotton

This weekend was one of the most exciting weekends for me. I Finally moved into a one bedroom apartment on Saturday. Good-bye $300 electric bills! When I began decorating my bedroom I went to Target to buy new apartment items and found Organic bed sheets. Although they are a bit more expensive than regular cotton sheets, I found myself trapped in my bed with my sheets wrapped around me. They are extremely soft.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Buying organic is an easy way to help be earth-friendly. It may not always be the cheaper way for the wallet, it is the way to go for the environment.
When consumers support organic farmers they are supporting the land as well. According to Organic Trade Association, "organic farming can help reduce ground and surface water contamination, and can safeguard drinking water supplies."

The 100% Organic sheets sold at Target are made in an Institute for Marketecology (IMO) certified facility. IMO assures eco-friendly products by inspection and certification.

When cotton is grown it is sprayed approximately 40 times with pesticides whereas organic cotton does not have any synthetic produced pesticides used on them, according to ECOchoices. Another important detail is that organic sheets use dyes that are non-toxic and eco-friendly.

By choosing organic products consumers are reducing the exposure of chemicals they may end up in the air, food or water.

Next time you have to buy new sheets think about going organic. Its human and eco-friendly, the way things should be.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Stop the Water Waste

Water is one of the most valuable resources that we have on earth. Although 70 percent of the planet is covered in ocean, only one percent of the fresh water is available for human use, according to howstuffworks. Americans use a considerable amount of water compared to other countries.

According to Recycling and Waste Prevention, "The average North American consumes over 105 gallons of water a day compared to the average European’s consumption of almost 53 gallons. The average person living in sub-Saharan Africa consumes only 2.4 – 5.3 gallons per day."

This is an alarming disparity between the different countries. There are a few ways that people can help eliminate the waste of water in their homes.
One drip from a leaky faucet can waste almost 250 gallons of water, according to Nicor. That is 3,000 gallons of water in a year that is wasted down the drain.
Another waste of water is a leaky toilet. A leaking toilet can use 90,000 gallons of water in a month, according to treehugger.

Buying a new High-Efficiency toilet can eliminate some of the water waste in a home. High-efficiency toilets (HET) use less than 1.3 gallons per flush where the average toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush. An average person flushes the toilet nearly 140,000 times, according to EPA. Installing a HET, can save 16,000 gallons per year for a family of four, according to Green Matters.

If you can't afford a new toilet there are devices that can reduce the amount of water used per flush. For an older toilet, take a unopened water bottle and place it in the tank. This will reduce the amount of water that is used. There are also displacement devices such as a toilet-tank dam will reduce the amount of water used per flush, according to Living Green.

By checking and making sure that you have no leaks in your house is going to save tons of water.

Low flow shower heads are another way that you can save water while showering. Low flow showerheads use less than 2.5 gallons per minute. "Shower water use can be reduced 50% with a low-flow showerhead, and can save up to 20,000 gallons of water per year," according to Living Green.

Low-flow showerhead with a shut-off valve are also better. They allows you to turn the water off and on instantly without having to readjust the water.

So look around the house to see how you can save some valuable water. Future generations will thank you.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Whats your Method

Once again this week I have tried a new product that is earth friendly. Method is dedicated to providing non-toxic environmentally friendly products. They have products ranging from non toxic floor cleaners and compostable sweeping cloths to laundry cleaner to aroma rings. However all these products sound interesting they aren't what I used this week. I used their hygiene products including body wash, bloq shaving cream, body bar and hand soap.
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Method dedicates its products to being animal friendly as well. According to Method, "At method, we believe in guinea pigs never being used as guinea pigs. So we never tests on animals. Ever."

According to the Method website, In 2006 Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry (founders) were named PETA’s Persons of the Year, for their leadership in cruelty-free business practices.

Method is committed to living green with their various products. According to their FAQ page they ensure their products are biodegradable, non-toxic, and safe for river and marine life. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

They also make sure that they are safe for people as well.

"While antibacterial cleaners are popular they often contain harsh chemicals that are dangerous around children. And, if used excessively they may actually promote the development of super bacteria that ordinary cleaners can't kill," According to Method.

I found Method to be more expensive than other products that I usually use, I find it really encouraging that a company is devoted to making a product that is earth and human friendly. In knowing that I don't mind spending a extra few dollars on it.
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If you are interested in Method you can find it at your local Target or at the Method website.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mean Green Cleaning Machine

Well we're in week 8 and I find myself becoming more stressed about school and work everyday. One way that I am able to reduce my stress is to clean my house. So this week I went to Wild Oats and bought non toxic cleaners and did a lot of cleaning.

Although I love the smell of bleach the reality of the toxins that harm the body when a product is used is a scary thought. I bought Seventh Generation bathroom cleaner and liquid dish soap at Wild Oats and was impressed of the cleaners. The bathroom cleaner smelt fresh and my eyes and lungs didn't burn from being in the bathroom and breathing in all the chemicals. To find these nontoxic cleaners look in your local grocery store.

According to Wild Oats, "Americans generate 1.6 million tons of waste each year from common household products that contain potentially hazardous ingredients. And, of the 85,000 chemicals used in household cleaners today, nearly 90% haven’t been tested for safety."

Somethings that a consumer can look for when finding environmental and health friendly cleaners are nontoxic, biodegradable and/or chlorine-free. Instead of using bleach, oxygenated products are a good alternatives. According to Natural Choices, they are safer than chlorine bleach however they don't work as quickly they are still effective.

According to Simple Pure Clean, "Chlorinated materials can form orgono-chloride compounds, which in turn are stored in the fat cells and can enter mother's milk."

There are also cleaning products that you can make at home. Care2 provides recipes for cleaning such as creamy soft scrubber, oven cleaner and furniture polish to just name a few.
Some of the supplies needed for these cleaners are:
  • baking soda
  • washing soda
  • white distilled vinegar
  • liquid soap or detergent
Although I haven't made any cleaning products at home they seem very interesting and I will have to do that soon!

Well come back next week to see what I try out!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fruits and Veggies oh my!

Well I went raw. Well sort of. For a week and a half I ate mostly raw foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am not going to lie, I cheated. On my week and a half adventure I learned a lot about fruits and veggies and how much processed foods I eat.

According to RAWGURU The raw diet consists of eating only raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and seaweed. Also nothing is heated above 116 degrees F.

I found recipes at Living and Raw Foods, I site to share raw recipes with others. I tried a few, one of them was Lettuce Wraps

"Raw is undoubtedly the best way to go" said Peggy Raisglid, owner of Lovin' Spoonfuls.

Raisglid has been a vegan since August 14 1984 and tired the raw diet. According to Raisglid eating raw was the way our bodies were designed.

Although it was boring and time consuming, I had tons of energy and was bouncing out of bed, said Raisglid.

According to some of the health benefits to going raw are:
  • increased energy levels
  • improved appearance of skin
  • improved digestion
  • weight loss
  • reduced risk of heart disease
"The studies that have been done linking fats to high cancer rates, heart attacks, kidney failure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, angina, cardiovascular disease and all of the other diseases that clog up the blood and the arteries have been done with cooked fats. Obesity is linked to a high cooked fat diet" according to Alissa Cohen.

When I went to Wild Oats for some food I found Raw Revolution bars that were completely raw. I was scared to try them at first but they were actually tasty. These would be easy for someone who is on the go and didn't have time to prepare anything before hand.

Since I didn't follow the diet completely I didn't see all the benefits, I did notice an increase in energy. Also I lost 5 lbs! I can't complain about that! Although I don't think I will ever go completely raw, I think I am going to go vegetarian. So maybe I got something out of trying and going raw.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lets Climb a Tree

Well this week has been a week of a few different experiments. I've gone on the raw diet and I am also using 100 percent recycled toilet paper and paper towels. I am not going to talk about my raw diet till next week so say tuned till next week about that! For now it's toilet paper and paper towels. When I decided to try the paper towels and toilet paper I didn't realize the huge benefits of using recycled products instead of virgin paper products.

According to Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC),"If every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper (500 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 423,900 trees." This is only one roll of recycled toilet paper. Imagine how many trees we could save if every household switched to recycled toilet paper.

Here are more statistics according to NRDC if every Household in the United States used just one product of:

Facial Tissue (175 sheets) : 163,000 trees

Napkins (250 count): 1 million trees
Paper Towels (70 sheets): 544,000 trees

Not only does using recycled products save trees, it also helps eliminate unnecessary chemicals. According to NRDC, "Paper products are bleached to make them whiter and brighter, but chlorine used in many bleaching processes contributes to the formation of harmful chemicals that wind up in our air and water and are highly toxic to people and fish." However, there are chlorine-free processes. Companies can then label the packaging with either chlorine-free (TCF) or processed cholorine-free (PCF). Some brands don't bleach their paper towels and leave them brown.

A few brands selling these products are Earth First, Seventh Generation, 365 Everyday Value, Green Forest and Marcal.

Look in your local grocery stores to see if they carry these products. When I bought the Earth First recycled paper towels, I wasn't worried how the paper towels were going to feel since I only use them to clean. I didn't notice that I was using the recycled ones until I went into my pantry for another roll and saw that they were open and thats what I was using. However, before I used the toilet paper I was a little skeptical on how it was going to feel. Although its not as soft as some (a quality of virgin paper), I couldn't tell that it was recycled. This is a good feeling to be able to save a few trees in such a simple way.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Save the Hot Water

Another week has gone by and I am still trying to cut that electric bill down. Laundry always seems to be on my list of "to do" and I found a few great tips to save energy and money this week when I decided to look into washing machines and dryers. Although I can't afford a energy efficient washing machine and dryer there are a few things that I can do to help the environment and save money! Hey maybe if I keep saving money from my electric bill then I will be able to buy a new washer and dryer!

If people do have the money to spend on an energy efficient washing machines, they should. Energy Star qualified washing machines use about 40 percent less energy than the standard washing machine. Also it only uses 18 to 25 gallons of water compared to the 40 gallons that the standard washing machine uses. So not only are you saving energy, but you are saving tons of water at the same time.

Washing clothes with cold water is also another good idea for saving energy. By using cold water you will save almost 40 percent on your electric bill. According to GREENPEACE "Up to 90 percent of the energy used for washing clothes goes to heating the water." There are also laundry detergents that are designed for cold water use.

When drying your clothes, don't put very wet clothes in before either spin drying them or wringing them out. This will save energy from having to dry them longer. However, most of the energy star qualified washing machines extract more water during the spin cycle.

Since I don't have the money to buy an energy smart washing machine I decided to buy a clothes rack for the laundry room and I put a clothes line outside. Since summer will be gone in a month or so I will not be able to line-dry my clothes outside. However, I will have the clothes rack in my laundry room. The clothes rack is for my shirts and delicates and the clothes line outside is for my pants. When it gets cold outside I'll start drying my pants in the dryer but I'll still be able to dry my shirts on the clothes rack. According to Eco Mall "Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer. Save 700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $75 per year"(Eco Mall). Good news about not using a dryer is that it helps with keeping clothes from fading and there is less wear and tear on the clothes.

Here are some tips from The Electric Company when doing laundry:
  • Try and always wash on a full load. If you need to wash a smaller load then set the water according to the load size. Don't use unnecessary water.
  • Wash on cold. There are detergents that are made for cold water
  • Line dry your clothes if you can
  • Check dryer vents
  • Clean the dryer filter
  • Don't overdry clothes
I hope these techniques give you a few ideas how you can save energy while doing laundry. Maybe soon someone will come up with a way that we won't have to fold our clothes!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Follow the (flourescent) light!

For the second month this summer, my electric bill was over $300. Usually when I come home, one of my roommates has left at least one light on, but sometimes they have left almost every light in the house on. One of my roommates likes to leave his bathroom light on even though he's not going to be home for the rest of the night and possibly might not come home for a few days. My boyfriend argues that the lights are not the reason for our large electric bill but I think it has something to do with it. So for my second experiment of living green I went and bought compact florescent light bulbs (CFL's) for the house. Hopefully, the electric bill will go down in. Even if its only a few dollars.

The world needs Compact Fluorescent Lights

Wasting electricity is one of the biggest problems in the world. The carbon dioxide (CO2) that power plants release into the air when supplying electricity is one of the most dangerous gases that is causing climate change (thegreenguide).
According to Energy Star, "If every American home replaced just one light bulb with an Energy Star qualified bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year, more than $600 million in annual energy costs, and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars." (

Long Term Investment

CFL's are designed for commonly used rooms like the kitchen and living room. Energy Smart notes that rooms such as the bathroom where lights are turned off and on often reduces the life expectancy of the bulb. I bought different styles of bulbs for my bedroom, hallway, bathroom, kitchen and outside areas. Although they are more expensive to purchase, they last an average of ten times longer than incandescent bulbs. In the long run, you save money.

Companies that sell Compact Florescent Lights:

Local Retailers:
  • Ace Hardware
  • Best Buy
  • The Home Depot
  • Lowes
  • Wal-Mart
  • Target
I was really impressed by the Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs. In my opinion they are brighter than the Incandescent light bulbs. One difference between the two different bulbs is that Compact Fluorescent Lights take a few seconds to light up. For that brief moment I think that the bulb has burnt out but when it comes on its a reminder that I am saving energy. I will write an update regarding how the CFL affects my electric bill as soon as I can.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's just that easy

Being a college student I have tons of old papers, test and notes collecting dust in my closet. There's also the soda cans and bottles that I throw away daily. Well since I am a newbie to living green I thought that recycling could be my first project. Finally all the trash is going to good use. To my surprise this was the easiest project to begin. I live on the northwest side in a house with my boyfriend and we have Waste Management for our trash services. Little did I know but we already have a recycling bin in our garage. All I had to do was call Waste Management. By providing my account number they were able to sign me up for the services and tell me which day I needed to put out my recycle bin. Anything that I am able to recycle I just throw into the bin.

Simple things to recycle:

  • Paper: magazines, newspaper, cardboard, and office paper
  • Aluminum: soda and canned food containers
  • Plastics: soda bottles, milk jugs and detergent bottles
  • Glass
By recycling the environment would benefit tremendously. Here are some facts about recycling from Do Something:

  • 40 percent of trash is paper
  • Only about 30 percent of recyclables are recycled
  • By recycling 1 ton of paper we will save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill, and 7,000 gallons of water and 4,000 kilowatt of energy
  • Each American uses about 400 soda cans per year. By recycling we could save 95 percent of the energy it takes to make aluminum from bauxite
  • Cell phones and computers can be recycled
  • American's throw out about 1,200 pounds of organic garbage per year even though it can be composted.
These were only a few of the facts about recycling, to read more visit their website

If you are interested in recycling and already have Waste Management services visit Waste Management for details in your area.


Hey! I'm Amber, a senior at the University of Arizona, majoring in Journalism. This semester I am a member of Cat Scan, an online journalism website. My fellow classmates and I will be focusing on living green.

I will be posting weekly blogs on my experiments and adventures of living green in my house, and provide others with ideas and information so that they can live green too!

So come check out my blog and I would love to hear any ideas you have for me. Also take a look at our publication of Cat Scan to learn more information and view other blogs while you're there!